name_lhp.gif (3771 Byte)

name_int.gif (509 Byte)

This time Maik, a friend of Tobias joined us. He wanted to see how much fun we have together. And this time it was a 'heavy' trip. We started drinking beer at the 'Fischmarkt' (fish-market) at five o'clock in the afternoon. After some beers we went to the 'Headbangers Ballroom' next to the fish-market. We stayed there for some beer and then went to the 'Backstage' and had a lot of fun together!

name_ph.gif (349 Byte)
Part III

name_hbd.gif (702 Byte) our third trip together to Hamburg (24./25. July 1999)

hh99_1.jpg (36446 Byte)
(1): Jan, Harald (me) and Maik

name_hea.gif (872 Byte) our third trip together to Hamburg (24./25. July 1999)

headb_1.jpg (22558 Byte) headb_2.jpg (23412 Byte) headb_3.jpg (20871 Byte)
(1): a photo where I only had some beer, (2) one where I had some more,
(3): Tobias also had some that time,...

name_bs.gif (636 Byte) our third trip together to Hamburg (24./25. July 1999)

backst20.jpg (36022 Byte) backst21.jpg (48659 Byte) backst22.jpg (64276 Byte)
(1): Jan, Harald (me), Maik, Tobias - the team of '99, (2): Tobias feels good!, (3): the others do, too!

backst23.jpg (66976 Byte) backst24.jpg (67971 Byte) backst25.jpg (29818 Byte)
(1): Harald (me) "...und ich hab jelacht!" and Maik, (2): We were not sure if this was only Coke Jan is drinking!?,
(3): Jan and Harald (me) are having fun Part I

backst26.jpg (62225 Byte) backst27.jpg (68034 Byte) backst28.jpg (60772 Byte)
(1): Jan and Harald (me) are having fun Part II, (2+3): What's wrong with these guys?

backst29.jpg (24745 Byte)
(1): Tobias couldn't believe it!

If you liked these pics go and see the ones of our other trips to Hamburg!

Part I   Part II   Part III   Part IV - 'The Millennium Trip'

Part V - 'Tobi's Birthday'    Part VI - 'Metalium Trip'

Part VII - 'The Second Millennium Trip' 2000/2001   Part IIX - 'The Quicky-Trip' 2001

Part IX "The Third Millennium-Trip"